in accordance with the requirements approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
(No 1111 dated 17.10.2012)
All Articles with accompanying documents submitted for publication in the “Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts” must be subject to a preliminary review procedure. The file with the article should be submitted to the editorial office or sent by e-mail to editorksada@gmail.com
The author sends a separate file together with the article application and questionnaire in the prescribed form. Postgraduate students attach a review with a recommendation to the press, signed by their supervisor or consultant.
File preparation requirements
The author submits the manuscript in digital and printed versions. In order to be processed by our production team, all files should be editable, prepared in an appropriate Word processing package and saved as .doc, .docx, .rtf. The file must be named with the author's surname, at that authors should use Latin characters (e.g. Butko.doc; Butko.rtf). Both printed and digital versions must be identical. The manuscript must be thoroughly edited, proofread, and signed by the author. All mistakes in the submitted materials are the author's responsibility.
Manuscript format
Up to three co-authors are allowed in the article. The manuscript must contain minimum 20 000 characters with spaces (0.5 of author's sheet according to MESU requirements, including notes) and maximum 40 000 characters (one author's sheet). The text must have 1.5 vertical spacing, Times New Roman style, 14pt, all fields are 2.0 cm. Drawings, tables and other illustrative materials are not taken into account, but for preliminary consideration by the editors are submitted in one document with the text and placed after it.
The size of the book review is from 6 000 to 10 000 characters with spaces, including notes. A file with the image of the cover of the peer-reviewed printed work is attached to the review.
Main document formatting rules
text justification;
hyphen cannot be used instead of dash and vice versa;
quotation marks “…” should be used in the text, and quotations inside the quotation should be highlighted with quotation marks “…”; English quotation marks “…” are used in the annotation in English;
pages should have no numbers;
usage of Tab or space mark is not accepted for making paragraphs; paragraph indention is 1 cm;
text highlighting is accepted with semi-bold or italic type; underlining is not accepted;
bibliographic references should be given in square brackets; at that the first number is a source number in list of references while the second number is a page number. A source number and page number are divided with a two-spot. To point to a range of pages authors should use a dash with no intervals on both sides (f. ex. 5-7). Page numbers which correspond to one source are divided with a semi-colon. Example: [4:25], [4:25–27], [4:25; 7:32–33; 12:16, 25], [4; 7; 12].
Obligatory structure elements:
UDC. Type it on the left in ordinary font;
ID ORCID. Type it on the left in regular font;
Author's (authors') name and surname. Type it on the left in regular font;
Name of institution where the author works. Type it on the left in regular font;
Title of the manuscript. Type it on the left in regular font, without using Caps Lock. Capital the beginning of the first word only;
Abstract and keywords. Abstract in the Ukrainian and English language may contain at least 1800 characters with spaces. After each abstract provide 5-6 keywords in the appropriate language. Type the text of the abstract in regular font, single row. Provide the author's surname and initials, as well as the title of the manuscript before each abstract in the Ukrainian and English languages accordingly.
Manuscript content
Certain structure elements typed in bold font must be given in the manuscript in accordance with the Higher Attestation Board of Ukraine No 7-05/1 dated 15.01.2003. They are:
problem statement in general and its connection to important scientific/practical tasks;
analysis of recent research and publications where this problem has been first addressed;
objectives of the manuscript (task setting);
research core material with complete grounds for the results of research;
conclusions and further research prospects in this area.
The title "Literature" is written in the usual font. The sources used must be listed in alphabetical order (first Cyrillic sources, then Latin sources) and numbered. Registration of the bibliographic description is carried out according to DSTU 8302: 2015 «Information and documentation.
Bibliographic link. General provisions and rules of compilation ". If you have a DOI, you must specify it.
All citations, including indirect ones (paraphrases), must be accompanied by a reference to the source of the citation. References to textbooks and popular science literature are undesirable. References to own publications are allowed only in case of urgent need. If the name of the scientist is mentioned in the article, in particular when analyzing research and publications, his publication should be in the bibliography. Secondary citation is not allowed.
After the bibliography, you need to submit References, which is the same list, prepared in accordance with the international standard APA (American Psychological Association (APA) Style).
For Ukrainian-language sources you can use the online transliterator(choose the "passport" standard), for Russian-language - (standard "passport").
To compile a list of references, it is recommended to use reference books on the relevant bibliographic styles, compiled by the staff of the Central Scientific Library of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Graphic materials
The manuscript can include illustrative materials: photos, reproductions of works of art, drawings, tables, etc. All non-text objects must be built using Microsoft Word (Microsoft Excel Chart, Microsoft Equation), photo illustrations in black and white or color are accepted in JPG, TIF, CDR. Illustrative materials should be referenced in the text of the article (for example, (Fig. 1), according to Fig. 10, see Table 3, etc.). All illustrations, tables and graphs must be numbered, named and provided in separate files. Up to 20 figures are allowed. If there is too much illustrative material, it can be grouped into separate analytical blocks with the appropriate name, as well as in the table.